It was my final straw when he decided it was OKAY to cancel a trip that we planned for over a month so he can see J after 2 months of not seeing him. The last time J saw him was Sept 10, 2021. Why didnt he? Because his wife wanted to go to Vegas … Read more

Hacked Account – Not Sorry.

He paid someone to hack my IG for this website, tommywangdeadbeat, and paid them in BTC. He think that he can be so slick and he done nothing wrong, so the action is justified. Thank you for Google to be able to search who own CB Luxury Brand and eLuxuryPets. That’s karma. That’s the person … Read more

Ari Kresch – “Ghetto Jew”

I never met the guy. I only heard of him through Tommy. He’s an investor that own 1800LawFirm. He run ads to get leads and that how he makes his money. Our first trip to PR in March 2021, to see if we are able to live and move there. He met up with Ari … Read more

Empty Promises

With him it always something happening and he need more, it started out with if we make 30k in month- things will change in term that he will figure things out with his wife and he will be with me. He PROMISED he will be separated from her by the end of Dec 2020. Then … Read more